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FormerlySalve_Lilac OP t1_jcn1y9t wrote

Oh, this is an easy walk from me, I'll have to check it out!


cos t1_jcn6fvn wrote

I got all of those because I go there a lot, rather than because it's an especially excellent spot for birds, of course. What's exciting about it is that it means if you really pay attention, you can see a lot of cool birds in places you wouldn't expect.

If you look at the bar chart, you'll see the warblers and thrushes and several other unusual birds for Cambridge stop by there during migration - mostly May and October. There are some summer residents (like chimney swifts) who are gone in winter, and some winter residents (such as juncos) who are gone in summer. Click the bar chart on the left sidebar.

Also, because it's a small urban park with playground, it gets enough people that shyer species go away later in the day. But you probably know birds are most active early in the morning. So if you do want to visit and submit lists there (which would be very cool!), arriving during the hour after sunrise is usually best. Some species are bolder - robins, jays, grackles (in summer), cardinals, house sparrows, mockingbirds - and will still be around when there are more people.


FormerlySalve_Lilac OP t1_jcnctnu wrote

I've seen a lot of them in my neighborhood, but not the nuthatches, warblers, or the sapsuckers!

If you want to take photos, I really have to recommend North Point Park, especially in the spring and summer. Lots of redwing blackbirds, a great blue heron every once in a while. There's even a pair of swans sometimes.


cos t1_jcosiu3 wrote

When I want to go out of my way (rather than a short walk from home) to see a really good variety, Mystic River Reservation by routes 28 & 16 is my choice. Didn't post about it here because it's outside Cambridge :)

Especially during migration. But all year you'll see herons & swans there.

Here's the bar chart:

Photos: - Click "more" at the bottom, there are a lot. it's a popular spot for birders, so most of those photos are not from me. (Here are my photos from that spot: )