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t1_jck8qe8 wrote


t1_jck9bkv wrote

>A citywide FTTP network would likely require a significant capital contribution to be financially feasible, including a $150 million upfront City contribution, based on relatively conservative assumptions, including that 40 percent of premises subscribe.
>There are several business models that the City could explore, each impacting Cambridge’s contribution differently depending on the type of partnership and a variety of business factors.

I assumed from this it meant that while it can be added to the budget, the budget has not been accounted for yet


t1_jckahqx wrote

They haven't figured out the exact financing for it yet, but the majority will likely be bonded out over a few years and those bonds paid back over their terms. Cambridge has plenty of free cash, for example, we regularly return cash to homeowners($22 million last year) as we can't decide what else to do with it. It's also likely that we also get some contributions from private partners.


t1_jckb91g wrote

not to be pedantic, but I hate when people say "return cash to homeowners". Like, no they dont. what they do is not raise tax rates, and offer a tax incentive to not rent out your house. Returning money would be like what the Mass did last year when they sent us a check. Not charging me more money for existing is not the same as returning cash


that said, I just would love to make this happen by any means, and most people assume big line items like this require some type of fiscal trade off. If there is room in the budget for it as is, hooray! (but also, cut taxes some more then)


t1_jckc47x wrote

> not to be pedantic, but I hate when people say "return cash to homeowners". Like, no they dont. what they do is not raise tax rates, and offer a tax incentive to not rent out your house. Returning money would be like what the Mass did last year when they sent us a check.

That's not accurate to Cambridge. We not only don't raise the rate, we lower it every year so that your amount paid doesn't increase. We're not even limiting that increase to inflation or any other factor, just saying no increase. There's no need to constantly cut taxes, we can and should pay for nice things.