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ooolooi t1_itow0rp wrote

Look at this:

Looks garbage

Majestic and beautiful

While you have to see your ugly and crappy too-large house in nowheresville and being broke from rising gas prices, I get to do a monthly payment on this beautiful condo, ride my bicycle and commute less than 30 minutes, and still pay less than your suburb house and car and gas payments. I even get to not create meaningless e-waste


[deleted] OP t1_itowcni wrote



ooolooi t1_itown4w wrote

Look at it. Your house would be a waste of space for a childless couple. Most families are one couple in the city and a small cat or dog. You have to ride your "luxury" car prone to explosions and deal with the distance and the traffic while I have the luxury of my cool bike and getting exercise while I commute in Cambridge in my prime-location 1000 sqft condo.