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benana91 t1_itxtno7 wrote

These posts are getting kinda creepy


TrailOfDawn t1_itxwckv wrote

This is obviously trolling lol


[deleted] OP t1_itxwguf wrote



Humburgur28 t1_itxxgn4 wrote

You should stop being such a dick then. Your fine where you are. Your rich and have a big house. 200 thousand a year is a crazy amount and your being a brat and complaining about haven’t a mentally deranged son. Like, what’s wrong with you. I mean, it would be better if you brought him to a foster home just so he could get away from people like you


Lake_Oswego t1_itxow5q wrote

You are so fucking privileged you just just go fuck yourself.


[deleted] OP t1_itxpl5e wrote



Lake_Oswego t1_itxqeku wrote

Well, I guess it's about expectations. If you think you should make a killing while living, then Massachusetts may not be for you. If you just want a good life without becoming wealthy, try Jamaica Plain or North Adams.


[deleted] OP t1_itxr04y wrote



Lake_Oswego t1_itxv2v7 wrote

I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. but if your annual household income is $200K, then figure something out.


[deleted] OP t1_itxxcx6 wrote



Lake_Oswego t1_itxxozc wrote

Where do you live now, Paradise? That's life in the small city.

You could try Somerville, but it's the same as Cambridge. The important thing is to get your foot in the door. Buy a small condo and move on up.

Like George Jefferson.


onedonedongerthrow t1_itxvqfn wrote

YTA OP. The fact you call him "mentally deranged" despite being very academically accomplished says it all.


CriticalTransit t1_itzan2z wrote

This must be a (bad) joke but I’m going to take it seriously for a minute.

I have a friend that lives in Holden and I never see them because it’s very difficult to get to. Perhaps if I lived in Worcester it would be easier but there’s no bus service in Holden I wouldn’t be biking on those narrow hilly roads in the winter.

Moving to a place where your children cannot get around on their own, especially when they have voiced their concerns which you are ignoring, is simply child abuse. In a few years you’ll be complaining that your child has disowned you and you can’t see why.


Humburgur28 t1_iu17x7y wrote

Yay, he deleted his account