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dny6 t1_ivw8hj1 wrote

It does look good — but the nimbys successfully got into court. The judge made some really weird comments on the issue


d33zMuFKNnutz t1_ivycbs3 wrote

Where can I read about that?


InnerShinigami t1_ivwp0oe wrote

Was there today, already saw old person confused and driving in the bike lane, then turn left across the actual lane to go down side street


bigcalvesarein t1_ivwv4nh wrote

This is so exciting!!! We are moving back in January and very excited to bike!


taxratesarevariable t1_ivy34bm wrote

This is fantastic. Love to see Cambridge lead the way. Hopefully other jurisdictions in the Greater Boston Area pick it up where Cambridge ends. The Cambridge Watertown Bike Path is amazing also.


Chunderbutt t1_ivysebt wrote

Big fan of the two way lanes


Hype_x t1_ivvzc2j wrote

Putting the inbound lane on the right side would be best. The last major intersection is way safer if you only have to contend with the side street and the one way out of Harvard. Let’s advocate for a better design.

The new design means that inbound riders contend with all the lanes of car traffic instead of just two. Those two lanes have the least traffic.


constellate1 t1_ivxtv7g wrote

Where are we on scooters? Car lane, bike lane, sidewalk, or a fourth?


tbootsbrewing t1_ivy5yi8 wrote

E-Scooters? Definitely not sidewalk. Bike lane if you're operating it with courtesy.


Cav_vaC t1_iw2pj9o wrote

Ehh or sidewalk if you're going slowly and carefully. That's sort of the big thing with these e-mobility devices, you can become a pedestrian or near-pedestrian whenever it's convenient. Just retain responsibility for not being a jerk, and prioritizing the safety of others around you.


Master_Dogs t1_iw0rz3f wrote

I believe either the car lane or bike lane, but not on sidewalks or recreational bike paths. That's based on the actual law here:

Plus this page from the Salem PD has some notes:

Though this ultimately depends on the type of scooter I believe. Slower scooters can likely get away with bike path riding for example (I see it all the time, no one cares if you're going <20 mph and slowing down for pedestrians and slower cyclists). Don't go flying 30 mph in a bike lane either, if you can reach those speeds you probably belong in the right most travel lane.


meratherbebikin t1_iw1deam wrote

Just curious how this is better than it was, if I’m making a left onto Brattle from Sparks? My commute is Sparks-Brattle-Willard-and keep going …


pattyorland t1_iwchc5h wrote

My concern with cycle tracks: I don't understand why most cyclists besides myself think that any cycle track is good because it makes a statement about cycling, and don't see these serious flaws.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ivzwmkd wrote

Echoing another comment — if you like this and other changes it is extremely important to a) let the city council know… email them! and b) VOTE in local elections.


coldsnap123 t1_ivw14ms wrote

Don’t all cycle down it at once
