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albertogonzalex t1_iwds8o5 wrote

I think this is a totally accurate take. And, couldn't agree more. I guess I'm coming from the place of opportunity-cost thinking. The value -add of going wider here (and even doing this project at all given the current conditions are sufficient - they need a lot of work. But I feel 100% safe riding with my kids currently) isn't nearly as important as creating new infrastructure (like safely connecting Assembly to Alewife along the mess of paths along 16 or accelerating/more aggressively improving any of the street projects currently going etc).

Let's cross the "need to make an off street path bigger bc use is so high that people don't use it" when we get there and use those funds now for all the areas we know people are being killed and many more people aren't riding at all bc of the actual safety reality.


zeratul98 OP t1_iwdyc1l wrote

Very true. At least one thing can be said for prioritizing this: it's likely politically easy. I imagine it's also pretty cheap. Since it's not disrupting car traffic there's no opposition from angry drivers, and there's no need to pay signalers all the time.

I can only imagine what an undertaking a proper Assembly connection would be. That whole area is a transit island full of missed opportunities. The parking to non-parking ratio is absolutely bonkers, the T station is poorly integrated and annoying to use, and the area is shockingly difficult and uncomfortable to navigate on foot.