Submitted by Yossarian7 t3_zatf8z in CambridgeMA

EDIT 12/5: Just wanted to follow up and thank everyone. At this point, after just three days, I've received over 80 responses in the survey! Really blown away by the participation. I especially want to thank those of you who were willing to follow up with me one-on-one. I've reached out to a few of those folks. These responses are going to be extremely helpful for my work. If there's interest, I'll look at circling back later this winter to share the aggregate results with the community. Thank you all again and enjoy the holidays!

Hello, all. I'm a grad student hustling on a final paper about homelessness in Cambridge, with a focus on the Port neighborhood and Central Square. I'm already reaching out and talking to folks from the CoC, MSC, outreach teams, etc. I'm posting here to find some perspectives from folks who live and/or work in or around the Port or Central.

If you have 5-10 minutes, I'd appreciate it if you could fill out my Google form survey:

If you don't want to do the survey, consider just answering my questions here:

  • How concerned are you about homelessness in Cambridge?
  • If you're concerned, what specifically are you concerned about?
  • What do you think are the main causes or contributing factors of homelessness in Cambridge?
  • How do you think homelessness in Cambridge has changed in recent years?
  • Do you think the local community in Cambridge is doing enough to address homelessness?
  • Is there anything specific that you think the local community in Cambridge should be doing differently in its response to homelessness?

Alternatively, I'm also happy to just read through open-ended, free-form responses in the comments here.

Finally, if you'd be willing to chat with me one-on-one to elaborate on your responses by Wed 7 Dec, please indicate so.

Thank you!



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guimontag t1_iynivqb wrote

Good luck with the paper!


onerandomtask t1_iypnwmc wrote

Just filled it out good luck with your paper


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_iyre4u0 wrote

Filled out.

Nothing short of a robust Housing First policy will address the homeless problem in a meaningful and lasting way


Yossarian7 OP t1_iz1h4so wrote

Just wanted to follow up and thank everyone. At this point, after just three days, I've received over 80 responses in the survey! Really blown away by the participation.

I especially want to thank those of you who were willing to follow up with me one-on-one. I've reached out to a few of those folks.

These responses are going to be extremely helpful for my work. If there's interest, I'll look at circling back later this winter to share the aggregate results with the community.

Thank you all again and enjoy the holidays!