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[deleted] t1_j18md37 wrote



conditioned_operant t1_j18svdd wrote

IMO we should build out bike specific facilities like a dense network of separated bike paths to get these psychos off our streets!


Candid- t1_j197ktp wrote

I’d love to hear your idea to make sure said bike paths never intersect with pedestrian or automotive transit routes. That seems to be where these incidents happen.


Sicamore21 t1_j19undi wrote

What does that have to do with this actual assault? Wether or not this guy has control has nothing to do with purposefully assaulting someone. You’re just airing a personal frequency.


[deleted] t1_j1a1equ wrote



Sicamore21 t1_j1a48y0 wrote

What if the pedestrian is just a bitter angry person? What if they’re both wrong? What if the pedestrian has a vendetta against bikes and yells each time they see them? You don’t know the story. It doesn’t make this assault right, but y’all are sooooo quick to act like you were there at the scene when you have absolutely no idea how things went down.