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Snoo52682 t1_j43e17w wrote

What are your interests?


alternativetowel t1_j43sxtj wrote

Yeah this is a pretty key question. OP, do you want people to hang out with? Or a group to be active with (running, climbing, whatever)? Or a volunteer group, or a board game group, or any/all of the above?


Pykors t1_j43ut32 wrote

If they're not sure what they'd like, maybe check out what's going on at community centers like The Foundry or The Democracy Center to see if there's anything that seems interesting.


These-Assignment-936 OP t1_j440wx2 wrote

Yeah, I think finding a regular group of folks to hang out with would be great. If I can do that while also being outdoors or physically active in some way, that's even better. Open to all the suggestions you made above :)


alternativetowel t1_j44zfl7 wrote

I’ll try to list some ideas I haven’t seen mentioned yet:

  • Pandemonium in Central used to do regular game nights—they may still, or they may have other suggestions if they’re not doing what you play

  • Food for Free is always looking for volunteers to pack and/or deliver food boxes throughout the area

  • Also community fridges! I saw mutual aid suggested, but specifically I’ve seen volunteers form a nice community around fridge stocking and upkeep too.

  • If you’re up for joining a more specialized gym like a lifting/climbing/CrossFit situation, they tend to be more social

  • In all seriousness, try MeetUp and/or BumbleBFF. I know people who have had success with both around here.


These-Assignment-936 OP t1_j45fz0u wrote

Awesome list. I've walked by Pandemonium a few times. Love board games. Will have to check that out.


These-Assignment-936 OP t1_j440qc2 wrote

My (known) interests include photography, woodworking, nature walks, biking, board games, gardening. Probably forgetting some, but that's what comes to mind :)


Wibblybit t1_j44nfej wrote

For any outdoors activity (hiking, climbing, skiing, etc), check out MITOC (mit outdoor club), which is open to the greater Camberville community (not just mit) They run trips for pretty much every skill level and are very welcoming and friendly.


Dibujaron t1_j44u312 wrote

Another person recommended MITOC, which is MIT affiliated. If you'd like something more generic, I wholeheartedly recommend the Appalachian Mountain Club. As a single person, this was the easiest thing by far to attend by myself and not feel weird. There's a 20s and 30s group where I met some good friends. Come join us!