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MyStackRunnethOver t1_j8oyxt5 wrote

Commenting because I'm generally a "just build more housing in general" person. This petition is about updates to the Cambridge Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO), which I think is great even though I'm a "just build more housing" person. Why? Because:

  1. It removes a bunch of onerous restrictions when building affordable housing (which we should just remove in general). The proposed amendment, which is what this petition is about, removes even MORE requirements:

  2. It does not impose any additional restrictions on builders of market-rate housing (pour one out for Boston)

So basically, this is "in the right direction" regardless of whether you think that direction is "more housing" or "only more affordable housing". Sign it!


Icy_Parsley_3442 t1_j8p3ziw wrote

Yes! A Better Cambridge is also advocating for more multifamily housing in neighborhoods by ending exclusionary zoning, plus pushing city planning processes (like in Alewife or along Cambridge St.) to include lots of housing. Sign the petition to make sure you get email updates for all of these things :)