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rbfska t1_jd5nqzw wrote

Are the cloth diapers, childrens playset and childrens books still available?


IsmeeKhay t1_jd5pm1p wrote

How kind of you!

Are the hangers and twin mattress and cover still available?


Ayjia t1_jd5q76x wrote

What kind of crafting supplies and fabric are we talking? 🤔


d0gtier t1_jd5qbfj wrote

can I take the hanging lights and craft supplies 😳


nahxela t1_jd5r1c9 wrote

If there are any games the other poster doesn't want, could I trouble you for which games are left? If not, nbd.


wes27492 t1_jd5s0ht wrote

Queen bed frame still available?


Secret-Vee t1_jd5sajt wrote

I have the look, mostly fabric to make cloth diapers, and or fantasy items or decadent costumes. Other supplies include pinking shears, acrylic ruler meant for a rotary cutting mat...


cracked-belle t1_jd5zka5 wrote

oh, you're awesome!!

is the Harry Potter Wizard's Chess still available?

I don't see it in any comments, so sorry if I missed it.


dashinny t1_jd60mqe wrote

whats the more, you might've forgotten? just curious as I'm sure everyone else is.


Sarrenee1 t1_jd611yj wrote

Would the helmet fit a 2 year old?


FrankieHellis t1_jd62d3s wrote

I want the queen bed frame if no one else has already asked for it.


bushmast3r11b t1_jd66bmx wrote

Can I move with you? You sound like fun. You have a lot of toys. I'll be good. I can live in your back yard. J/k it's cool you're giving things away. I'm sure there are people here who need it and can't afford some of it.


noneedfordetails2 t1_jd6jtp1 wrote

I assume the PS4, games, and controller are claimed. If not, I'd like to inquire about the games and controller.

I'm also interested in the Harry Potter movies and chess set. Are those available? And the preflats for diapers. Thanks ahead of time.


anxiousoryx t1_jd6ntlt wrote

If you aren’t sure what to do with the children’s books there are a bunch of Little Free Libraries at the village centers and elementary schools. That’s where we put ours when we are done. :)


MussellWestbrook t1_jd6qdza wrote

Are the Melissa and Doug toys accounted for? And the hangers lol?


mybluerat t1_jd8hq9b wrote

If the PS4 and games are still available, I know an 11-year-old who’s dad died of cancer and his single mom is going through treatment for leukemia who would probably really appreciate it.


fawk_yooytppl t1_jd8qpf8 wrote

I'm interested in the ps4 pls. I would love it for my kids as their dad took it and sold it when we left


Medicsavage t1_jdb2us7 wrote

Is the PS4 still available? I noticed you updated but didn’t X it out.