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Particular_Ad3204 t1_jde1hx0 wrote

Good! Their parents brought these little assholes into the world, now let them take some responsibility for their shitty behavior when they screw things up.


anidulafungin t1_jdfqpi2 wrote

I find it hilarious that people are getting mad at the mall for doing this, instead of getting mad at the parents of the children/teens that engage in this. Way to ruin it for all the children/teens (and their parents) that don't engage in this behavior.


JollyJoeGingerbeard t1_jdemxxl wrote

People also need to be free to make mistakes and do things they'll regret later. It's how we learn.

And other people, even minors, have a right to exist in public. If you ask me, the only asshole here is you.


vbwullf t1_jdequ47 wrote

You are right, as kids we learned really well at the end of a belt. Some may say that it's child abuse. I say they are wrong there is discipline and child abuse. Putting our kids in time out are we teaching them that you do wrong you just get put away for a while w/ 3 squares and a cot? That's what happens in jail.... And then some!

I say bring back corporal punishment at home. Our parents were right in giving us well deserved whoppings and making sure we understood what we did wrong when we got them. Now adays you do wrong, you get rewarded. What's to learn?


Wirbelfeld t1_jdfn7rc wrote

With all due respect if corporal punishment made you what you are then I’m going to avoid it at all costs…


AgitatedText t1_jdfxha5 wrote

If you want to make others suffer because you suffered and "turned out ok" - you didn't actually turn out ok.