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whoopsiedaisy66 t1_jdk80hz wrote

There are so many rude and hateful teens at the mall, I was shopping for my mom last week and a group of black teens kept following us and screaming "ayo excuse me" for literally no reason. When I asked them to stop they called me a "stupid B****" and laughed and one spit at me. I stress this was for literally NO reason! I was rly uncomfortable and scared. Teens have always gone to the mall but now the demographics have changed and they are all black and they have a more violent culture. I do everything to give them the benefit of the doubt but they act like animals and their parents don't care at all.


linux_mom t1_jdkbb1c wrote

sigh I don't want to admit it.... But you're right.... They are all section 8 as well, so maybe that has something to do with it....


Spydergirl1 t1_jdl2qla wrote

You are absolutely 100% correct. There have been many attacks on innocent people. I know of a woman and her young son that were attacked in the Wilde Lake shopping center parking lot last year. Unprovoked attack, there are police reports to prove it, but media doesn’t discuss it. Columbia is becoming very unsafe and I’ve lived here for almost 25 years.


ChanceSiscoTheRapper t1_jdl70xm wrote

My father in law (80yo bm) was accosted, asking if he was looking to buy drugs, and then when he told them to leave him be they crowded him and called him all kinds of names.


Big_Specialist9046 t1_jdltvty wrote

Yup. That’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about or admit. It’s a certain demographic of people that are causing the issues here. I grew up here, been living here since 1989 and it’s gotten progressively worse with the influx of people of that particular demographic. Many exhibit violent, lawless behavior and many are racists that hate white people. Our extremely left wing government officials have hamstrung the police, they aren’t allowed to enforce the law on these people because they don’t want to appear “racist”. This is a slope heading downwards unfortunately. I really do fear for my young kids growing up here