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UpstairsTurnip t1_j1xae1g wrote

Thank you so much for documenting this! Im not as aware of local issues as I would like, but the lack of transparency and use of HOA funds is quite concerning. Is there any further reading that you’d recommend to better understand the situation? And is there anything Columbia residents can do to encourage transparency??


[deleted] t1_j1xht20 wrote



UpstairsTurnip t1_j1xnxfa wrote

Wow, this is quite an extensive list! I’ll definitely take a look at everything you’ve suggested and talk with my neighbors about these issues too. Not sure how widely known they are, but it’s important to stay informed! Thanks so much!!!


Sufficient-Item-2750 t1_j1zl87c wrote

Echoing that making sure neighbors are aware and vote in village elections is paramount. Barely anyone votes- which makes every single vote very impactful.