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Tiny-Faithlessness79 t1_j3aqc5n wrote

  1. Yes but do is many places in Montgomery Co.
  2. Diversity and good schools.
  3. No because each village has its problem areas.
  4. Schools are great compared to others areas but Montgomery county also has great schools.
  5. No, I would not commute to MontyCounty because the traffic and time spent commuting can be long.
  6. Find a place in Montgomery County to live. One accident can have you on the road for hours.
  7. Living in Maryland is very expensive. If the place is reasonably priced it’s probably not a good place or they are older communities.

I am a 4th generation Columbian and while I love it here, I also see changes that are not good. It’s becoming a small and crowded city. New homes and apartments are popping up everywhere. No real place for teenagers to go so they hang out everywhere. Check the schools based on where you are moving, they are not all great.