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PamperedPotato t1_j8ekwtf wrote

There's a big dog leaving massive turds in my neighborhood & I haven't been able to pinpoint who it is. It's super frustrating, and must be a huge dog judging by the size of them. I'll never understand why people think it's ok to leave poop especially when it's such a large quantity.


maavaa OP t1_j8els1i wrote

Once or twice if they ran out of bags or something and they come back, I get it. But yeah, constantly leaving them is just wrong. I lived in the city for a while and in the building I was at people started letting their dogs shit literally in the hallways and not cleaning it up. It was so disgusting and I ultimately learned and decided it’s a respect thing. People who don’t understand it or are selfish and only care about themselves can’t comprehend that it’s a moral and respectful thing to clean up after themselves

We have a hunch who it is here. There’s one owner who has no control over the dog and lets the dog go on everyone’s front lawns instead of curbing it and it really made my dog territorial so now they’re sworn enemies. One day we saw on our camera the dog got off the leash and ran up to our house and jumped all over the windows and into our flower beds and damaged the shutters and plants. The owner also broke a lantern on our walkway trying to control the dog. Once she got control they just walked away without saying anything to the camera or cleaning the broken items and debris up. Just left it all there. So messed up


DeltA019 t1_j8f6aav wrote

My neighborhood has two dispensers with free poop bags and a dedicated poop bag trash can. People still leave their dog's poop on the ground, and they can't even use the forgotten poop bags excuse. People just suck.


Tattte t1_j8gadld wrote

There’s a woman in our neighborhood with a massive brown dog that we have seen in action before. We were about 100 years away from her, saw her let the dog take a poop in a common area and then walk away. My plan was to say something to her once we were close enough but she saw us when she finally looked up from her phone and slipped in between some homes so we couldn’t. So frustrating because we have tons of kids who play in our neighborhood and I’m sure one of them stepped in it.