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Traditional_Ad7474 t1_jdeej18 wrote

I’ve been a pharmacist in CT for almost 30 years and I have always done my best to help people. I’ve spent time collecting syringes from parking lots of stores and facilities I’ve worked in because I don’t want anyone to have an accidental needle stick. (Many times on my own time) I’ve collected used syringes at work from “drug users” and never judged. I’ve tried to educate. A safe site like this isn’t JUST about a physical location to inject drugs. It’s also about educating people and keeping the community safe. If having safe sites leads to even 1 accidental needle stick being prevented it’s worth it. Please imagine a little kid in sandals who perhaps gets stuck in the foot while walking in the Chucky Cheese parking lot (I’ve seen needles in real life is this exact location). Imagine infection or disease results??? By promoting safe use and disposal without stigma we can decrease accidental sticks, help the environment, reduce overdose, and help heal the community. Maybe I’m just trying to say that safe sites offer more than just a place to “get high”.


Adventurous-Aide664 t1_jdfc2bb wrote

Thank you for your informed and considerate response. A lot of people in this sub can't get past their emotional response to the subject to see the logic in this.


Justagreewithme t1_jdgepze wrote

Why don’t we worry about non-drug users first. Why can’t I get syringes for the medicine I was prescribed, while we are setting out tables for drug abusers. Both my wife and I have had issues where we are given our medicine, but not the syringe to take the medicine.


bluethread32 t1_jdhg3in wrote

Our healthcare system is broken.

Helping one set of people does not diminish the need to help another.


ParkingHelpful2690 t1_jdjnztf wrote

Open Injection sites have an extremely low rate of rehabilitation. Using drugs isn’t healthcare.


bluethread32 t1_jdjpvy2 wrote

They prevent death, and disease. That's healthcare.

Source for the low rehab rate?