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packofpoodles t1_je5aims wrote

You should definitely hear from people in those districts but larger towns tend to offer more services, so Trumbull might be better in this regard than Easton or Weston.


nagbu0 OP t1_je5dbnk wrote

Thank you. If something like Fairfield or Darien is best for our child we would try to make it work even if our house is smaller/in need of repair etc.


purpleflagbook t1_je5rbiz wrote

I think in this case Darien but I would reach out to them specifically. The state is required to educate your child-in my town (new Canaan) if the school is not able to-you will receive vouchers for a private special education based school. New Canaan has a ton of interventions and help for autistic children.


obsoletevernacular9 t1_je7u1mm wrote

Look up Darien and special education and you will see many articles about lawsuits and misuse of funds.

I hear good things about Fairfield, however.