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FoolsGold45 t1_jcmb13o wrote

Just left work, turned left at a light as I had a green arrow to do so, another car comes FLYING in at full speed from my right without even slowing down at the intersection, then has the nerve to honk at ME when I hit the brakes to avoid a collision. Fucking idiots out there right now, I'm sure today's normalized binge drinking isn't helping.


The-KarmaHunter t1_jcneyg1 wrote

Nearly the same thing happened to me. Turning left at at a light, have a green arrow. Just get a weird feeling and decide to stop for a second before going. Some black SUV easily going 50/60 MPH in a 35 barrels through the red light to my left. Narrowly misses me.

Few years back in college at UConn, I was biking on campus. I had the walk symbol at a crosswalk and start to cross when a UCONN BUS no less runs the red light and nearly runs me over.

Infuriating the absolute carelessness of drivers in this state.


charmed_fandomgal t1_jcngvl2 wrote

It surprises me how the uconn bus drivers never hit anyone


sundaze t1_jco0yjf wrote

When I was a student there a student was hit and killed by a UConn bus, which was driven by a student. I don't think it was the driver's fault though, if I'm remembering correctly.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcpbmdh wrote

UConn pedestrian fatality is as old a tradition as that fucking rock they paint on.


rfunaro6 t1_jcnc5sz wrote

Yikes that’s so damn scary glad you are okay. But yeah the damn nerve of them when clearly ran a red long after you had a green


ButtBlock t1_jcnrbxe wrote

That’s the thing… these people are assholes. But they’re also recklessly endangering lives. And when they get injured and injure others we call it “an accident.” Nah man that’s vehicular assault as far as I’m concerned.


reboog711 t1_jcosvb2 wrote

> I'm sure today's normalized binge drinking isn't helping.

What past times are we comparing binge drinking to?


SamuraiPanda19 t1_jcouq56 wrote

Meanwhile real statistics show people are drinking less today than in the past


FoolsGold45 t1_jcpexot wrote

I meant "today" as in the specific day that I posted this, it was St Patty's day