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t1_je0zh3l wrote

Why is

Modern Apizza and Sally's not on list, must be too many biased Willimantic residents voting


t1_je1k4no wrote

I firmly believe that pizza is great wherever your personal tastebuds deem it is great. Everytime I try someone's pizza recommendation, Pepe's as an example, I never think "this is the best pizza for me." It was burnt to me. Could barely hold toppings.

No matter where I have tried pizza, I keep going back to an unfamous pizzeria from my highschool days. Park Lane Pizza in West Hartford. My tastebuds simply love their pizza.


t1_je1buki wrote

This is just people voting on their local favorites... How many people can say that they've have Willimantic pizza?


t1_je2umvj wrote

Same thing happened during the summer for their ice cream challenge. The Wethersfield “Creamery” made it a few rounds despite having crappy ice cream that they buy from Pralines.


t1_je1ds03 wrote

The pizza isn’t even great at CJ’s, the grinders are better


t1_je1xu84 wrote

We have so many great options on CT it's ridiculous. I'm not sure this list represents the best out there, but in the end it's all in good fun..


t1_je0y7g3 wrote

Frank Pepe’s. The thin crisp crust makes it.


t1_je133mn wrote

This thread pops up every two weeks🤔


t1_je1abzc wrote

Maybe because they've been running this for like a month or two and whittling it down?


t1_je1a130 wrote

What, no Pietro's? No Kinder Pizza? No Burger & Pizza Land?
