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AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_je163xu wrote

>The garage will be used by the parents and people utilizing the facility. People need to start voting better to be able to have these things for the community.

So... the community needs to vote better in order for people who aren't part of the community to have somewhere to park?


Mmmslash t1_je18hly wrote

No - the community needs to vote better so you don't lose these jobs to a smaller and more accommodating market, so they have nearby access to this resource.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_je194qx wrote

How does having the jobs in the city benefit it? If the employees are just driving in, working, going home then they're not doing much to benefit it. In fact, with traffic and air pollution, they may cause the community more harm than good.


Mmmslash t1_je19o8q wrote

Because those people spend the majority of their waking hours contributing to your local economy instead of someone else's. Because those people provide a nearby critical resource to your community. Because having educated health workers in your city is a universal benefit.

What an impossibly shortsighted take.


RobbieL241 t1_je1atln wrote

You can both build a new parking garage and advocate for better public transportation.

If there was a commuter rail line that ran east of the river to Vernon, I'd absolutely take that over commuting.


SporkyForks2 t1_je1cb82 wrote

How about the hospital just pulls out and moves some place else. Problem solved and your taxes will sky rocket. Time for the people living in Hartford to take some responsibility for how their peers are destroying the city. Not taking away what little resources exist to help the tax base.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_je1ckas wrote

Hospitals don't contribute to the tax base.


SporkyForks2 t1_je2tk15 wrote

You have no idea about taxes or life do you? Hence why you are probably financially in a hell hole and complaining about a children's hospital.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_je2up5r wrote

Doing quite well, thanks for caring. Government buildings and non-profits are exempt from property taxes. About 59% of Hartford's property isn't taxed due to this, including the hospitals. In theory, PILOT would compensate for this, but in addition to undervaluing property it has never been fully funded.