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Darondo t1_jdhji9g wrote

The most common criticism is that ADL equates Palestinian sympathy or anything critical of Israel’s government as anti-semitism. On their own website they patronizingly explain how “free Palenstine” is offensive and anti-Semitic. Historically, they also are disingenuous about their “rising anti-semitism” updates. But in OP’s post they stick to actual incident quantity instead of results from surveys with leading questions, so that’s an improvement.

Other criticisms include participation in CIA and FBI psyops and intelligence gathering operations but I won’t get into that.

All this doesn’t change the fact that anti-semitism is on the rise, and it is scary.

ADL deserves criticism and skepticism. Other people hate the ADL because they’re antisemites. And of course some people like to conflate ADL criticism with anti-sematism which is dumb.