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AmiaRocz83 t1_jdexx90 wrote

I am not a teacher, but i feel bad for teachers and staff at schools. The schools are turning into a mental health facility and i blame this on legal system as children have way too many rights and are ill prepared when they become 18 years old. Parents also have so many problems & they too cannot manage the kiddos. This is a whole community problem which needs to be further discussed. On the school level all the kiddos with significant issues are bussed to ACES and there is significant burnt out as kiddos can be aggressive, disrespectful & have no regard for others. Additionally community services such as iicaps, iop are absolutely overwhelmed & cannot deal with the severity, complexities of families that are being referred.


PettyWitch OP t1_jdf960x wrote

I completely agree; this is a great comment