BumpyNubbins t1_jdwinhw wrote
Reply to comment by Kitsu-ne in When you need a new bottle opener, and also a reminder that better places exist than the Southern states where you’ve been living the past 20 years by Rauschenbusch
How unsafe do you feel down there right now? :(
Kitsu-ne t1_jdwmty9 wrote
Wrote a whole thing before remembering this is reddit. Less unsafe than most, but leaving would be so vastly expensive that It's a hurdle rn.
BumpyNubbins t1_jdwt7s8 wrote
It is reddit, isn't it? (It was a genuine question!!)
I feel for you. Especially since landlords want soooo much money upfront nowadays...
DuoRod t1_jdxr6al wrote
For someone like myself who is ignorant on what is currently going on down there would you mind summing it up or suggest some topic to search?
The_Hand_That_Feeds t1_jdxwupn wrote
Florida Don't Say Gay laws. Florida anti trans legislation. Just Google "why does Florida suck for queer people" and you'll figure it out pretty quickly.
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