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Yum_Kaax t1_jeatog4 wrote

> “If it is hallucinogenic, by its very nature, by how we refer to it, you’re going to be seeing something that’s either not there or amplified in some way and my guess is you really need to have good vision and be aware of your surroundings while you’re driving,” he said.

"It's ok, officer, I have 20/20 vision. Sure, there are a lot of bats out here today, but am able to dodge them every time. Plus, I can read minds. I mean, I don't know the words you're thinking but the color is definitely purple, with little flashes of yellow."


TFA-DF8 t1_jecjoro wrote

As someone who has consumed large amounts of mushrooms, I have never once seen something that was not there.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jecwn4y wrote

I watched a tar paper roof turn into snake skin and drip off the building on mushrooms. I reached out to touch the tar paper to stop the hallucination and I watched it rippling and tugging around my fingers.


Rich-Equivalent-1875 t1_jectat8 wrote

What effect do you get from them? I tried them to treat debilitating refractory existential depression. It helped very little, to the point it was almost not worth it, and I noticed no change in sensory perception etc.


TFA-DF8 t1_jecu8sd wrote

When I microdosed I always just felt a little more confident and that I operated at a couple notches higher then normal. Listened better, focused more. When I was taking large doses it would just magnify my feelings, def dealt with some dark trips but for the most part a lot of love and euphoria. Laughed until my abs hurt, made friends with everyone I came in contact with and nature. You know, super dangerous shit republicans would hate.


Rich-Equivalent-1875 t1_jecz28o wrote

Those sound like ideal reactions, I would use it still and all the time if I had those experiences.


cracksmack85 t1_jed06l6 wrote

> Sure, there are a lot of bats out here today, but am able to dodge them every time.

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the end of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold


justadudenameddave t1_jechk10 wrote

I have 20/20 vision as well, so I have an easy time dodging all the dragons and machine elfs I see


UnimpressedAsshole t1_jeeaexv wrote

Another reason to discard “hallucinogen” and substitute “psychedelic” or “entheogen”


[deleted] t1_jeeefoo wrote



UnimpressedAsshole t1_jeexykb wrote

Having extensive experience with psilocybin and beyond, I reiterate my opinion that we need to stop using "hallucinogen" to refer to psychedelics and entheogens. It is an inadequate incomplete label, poor marketing, and gives ammo to ignoramuses like the politician quoted about.

Also, who's to say those are hallucinations? just because other people can't see them? cymatics, yantras, sacred geometry, fractals, the fibonacci sequence, etc etc etc