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DonVito5086 OP t1_je0mkcp wrote

Yeah unfortunately our budget probably won't allow for a home in Greenwich or Westport haha. A lot of people suggested Shelton which I did visit but didn't get that warm and fuzzy feeling. We do like Newtown a lot also. I wouldn't mind Fairfield but my god the asking price for some of the homes in Fairfield is just laughable.


TriStateGirl t1_je18h6l wrote

I live in Shelton now after growing up in Trumbull. Shelton is great, but I think Milford is better as well. If you are looking at something like Fairfield try Trumbull. Slightly cheaper homes and better taxes than Fairfield.


curbthemeplays t1_je3tdil wrote

Newtown is very different from Milford. More wooded and quiet. Not as much going on and people tend to be less outgoing.