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captainXdaithi t1_je5zqrh wrote

Sikorsky L? They just signed a multi-decade deal to build the King Stallion like 2 years ago… Also Sikorsky is in the running for the FARA program too, with the RaiderX.

Sikorsky is doing just fine. IMO the USA gave the Valor from Bell the nod because they need to make sure both manufacturers keep running. Cheaper to spread the contracts to both and keep both lines open, than to shutter a manufacturer and then lose all that institutional knowledge/expertise, and take years to ramp up again in a time of war.


Prestigious-Winter61 t1_je6i4t7 wrote

This is my understanding as well. We didn't get that contract, but we're still operating in a healthy space overall and we have a lot of maintenance work coming our way. Smarter move in the grand scheme of things.