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NKevros t1_itufr69 wrote

Reply to comment by sicknaban8 in Refilling adderall? by whereismindx

Maybe you'd suggest a less "nasty habit", like smoking cigars.


sicknaban8 t1_itufuj4 wrote

At least it comes from the earth not a chemistry lab bud. But go on


[deleted] t1_ituhj6l wrote

By that logic, both heroin and cocaine are better than adderall. You good dude?


sicknaban8 t1_ituho8h wrote

Sure, that is a good commentary. What is your point?


[deleted] t1_ituhvxl wrote

Oof, gotta break out the training wheels.

A drug 'coming from the earth' has nothing to do with how safe it is. Your assertion that drugs made in a chemistry lab are inherently better or safer is unfounded and fundamentally incorrect.

Hope that helped!


sicknaban8 t1_itui8hh wrote

You make absolute no sense sir. You're gonna sit here and tell me that tobacco plucked from the ground, hung to age, and rolled to a cigar is the same as street drugs that have nameless poisons needed to be synthesized? Touch some grass amigo get a grip lol


[deleted] t1_ituilcy wrote

Thats not what I said. I pointed out that something coming from the earth does not mean it is inherently safer. Cocaine and Heroin are both "natural", are you saying that they are safer than a highly regulated stimulant? Its fine to be wrong here, but don't dig the hole deeper friend. I'm not here to make you look like an idiot, just want to help you understand that naturally occurring chemicals are just as dangerous as synthesized ones.

See: Botulinum toxin, arsenic, cocaine, heroin, morphine etc.


sicknaban8 t1_ituiwe0 wrote

Dig a hole deeper...? Your equivocation of coke and heroin and Adderall to a cigar is a WILD take. Who lets you have internet access lol?


[deleted] t1_ituj0f9 wrote

Jesus, like talking to a wall. Suppose it serves me right for talking to a teenage troll.

Have a nice day I guess.


sicknaban8 t1_itujb3p wrote

Thank you! Itll be good for you to take the day off from the internet...your brain is cranked out if its creating nonsensical takes like that.