Submitted by lokitdwn t3_yedunt in Connecticut
adam_west_ t1_itxip0o wrote
What a worthless ass. Millionaire populist. If you believe this crap you’re a fucking tool.
lokitdwn OP t1_itxivyg wrote
Screaming_brain t1_itxkw7t wrote
Fuck off Bob.
lokitdwn OP t1_itxl09n wrote
Fuck off to the extreme!
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_itxmnqa wrote
I look forward to voting against him.
lokitdwn OP t1_itxmyyy wrote
That makes 2 of us
adam_west_ t1_itxqn01 wrote
Someone mentioned them the other day and I was astonished to find out they were still on the radio… figures they’d Astro turf for this type of turd
l33tb4c0n t1_itxr2ow wrote
Yeah I looked them up after making this comment and they're still going strong, which is totally wild to me. They were on when I was in high school. I guess there's something to be said for appealing to the lowest common denominator.
gravel-wagon t1_itxsfyr wrote
This calls for an obligatory "Eat shit, Bob."
adam_west_ t1_itxvz0a wrote
They were out of touch boomers , making excuses for and fawning over powerful people , 30 years ago. It’s like much of radio…stuck in a stasis from the late 1980s. Most of radio now is personalities reacting to social media wrapped around 2 dozen songs
mattyzucks t1_itxys00 wrote
BisexualDisaster29 t1_ityosph wrote
[deleted] t1_ityu4a9 wrote
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himewaridesu t1_itz08xk wrote
Finally saw that pro-police ad he has. Which is baffling-the wife is the only one speaking and the (former?) police husband just…. Stands there. Like a puppet. It was unsettling because if it was really about him- why didn’t the husband speak? Also Bob is very tall. (Eye roll)
aggrokragg t1_itz0c4x wrote
"We're not political on here, but Bob seems great and you'll never guess what CRAZY Ned did THIS TIME!"
"Haha, yeah Chaz! WHooaaaaaAaaA!"
::burp noise:: ::fart noise:: ::toilet flushing:: ::sad trombone::
lokitdwn OP t1_itz3jit wrote
Agreed, there was no explanation as to what happened to that officer, very suspicious,but then again we are talking about Bob
KJK998 t1_itz6hkn wrote
Idk why he lives rent free in everyone’s brain on this sub
TheOneTrueGodYouKnow t1_itz78rx wrote
He's trying to become governor of our state.
CT_Patriot t1_itz7axo wrote
Bad idea....what do you think got us to this?
star_road t1_itz93b1 wrote
volanger t1_itzd0jr wrote
What mess? The economic implosion that created one of the worst economies under trump? The economic recession from 2008 that Bush caused? The economic instability that Reagan created such ruined one of most stable economies that held since FDR?
Keep in mind that, while yes the us inflation is high, it's significantly lower than other countries around the world and the democrats are the only ones proposing solutions. I hear nothing but bitching and moaning from unpatriotic morons like Bob.
Yimter t1_itzpql5 wrote
HappyLittleRadishes t1_iu06uev wrote
"rent free"
The idiot's replacement for making any sort of point.
HappyLittleRadishes t1_iu06yyf wrote
Describe to me what "this" is that you are describing?
Prove that you aren't a pointless shit stirring loser who will duck from confrontation.
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu086op wrote
Lmfao what have they done right ? Create a crime haven out of Connecticut?
volanger t1_iu09iaz wrote
Couple things here.
prove violent crime is rampant and out of control in ct. I know Newsmax likes to tell you things like that with their crime watch hour, but I doubt that's remotely reflective of the truth.
what are Republicans going to do about it? Cause all I see is that they'll stand by cops, and that's not good enough. Cops should be held accountable, just like the rest of us are. If they are offering nothing other than bitching and moaning, then I don't care about crime rates since they'll do nothing about it.
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu0alf7 wrote
Well you live under a rock if you believe violent crime is down. There’s so many shootings per day in Hartford. Shootings daily in every city .. cars being stolen in every town across CT by juveniles armed with stolen firearms that shoot at people.
Stefanowski wants staffing levels for police to be raised to previously levels prior to Malloy removing the statutory minimum amount of Troopers for state police.
The people that should be held accountable are the ones committing these violent crimes who prosecutors and judges refuse to incarcerate using set mandatory minimums. They are all primarily convicts in possession of firearms which is a mandatory 5 year minimum but they are let out after only a year or so and continue to repeat the cycle of violence.
If you don’t care about violent crime rates being up or property crimes being up then feel free to go live in the democrat run cities where the city residents are tired of hearing gunshots every night and seeing bodies on the street.
The dems ignore all actual crime and want to skew the numbers by releasing people from prisons who shouldn’t be released.
volanger t1_iu0f671 wrote
So if you actually do research you'll find that your data is quite cherry picked. Sure hartford murder rates are up, but violent crime rates (homicide, rape, robberies, assault, ect) are actually down, and have been for 12 years. In fact, in ct violent crime rates overall are down. This is why you should research things and not listen to bullshit like Newsmax.
>If you don’t care about violent crime rates being up or property crimes being up then feel free to go live in the democrat run cities where the city residents are tired of hearing gunshots every night and seeing bodies on the street.
See this is how I know you don't really pay attention. I said if all Republicans are going to do is bitch and moan, I don't care about it. Tell me what they're going to do.
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu0h1wv wrote
I wrote what their plan is. You decided to “cherry pick” and not read. Use your eyes buddy.
Your research is skewed due to the reasons i stated above, again, If you decided to read.
I didn’t realize “van life wanderer” a blog…. Is a useful news location … or “CTNEWSJUNKIE” which is extremely left leaning.
Start googling the fbi UAR stats from CT cities to look at violent crime instead.
Trying to downplay murders and basically implying that’s no big deal …. Is a pretty big deal but ok.
volanger t1_iu0jxjl wrote
Well you didn't give me a citation, but merely listed of claims. If you aren't going to give me any data I'm forced to only use what I find, and it says you're wrong. So cite your claims, or stfu.
l33tb4c0n t1_iu0kncm wrote
This is hilariously accurate.
flatdanny t1_iu0n9m9 wrote
You're overdoing on fear.
hateusbctheyaintus t1_iu0nia7 wrote
Can’t vote yet, but hate him too
Least-Chip-3923 t1_iu0nov2 wrote
He must really like losing
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu0q24k wrote
Oh boo, i upset you. If you really thought either of those are “sources” than you’re dumber than you seem. Have a good day!
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu0qxy0 wrote
Lol continue to live under a rock and ignore what goes on in our state.
kesagatame-and-Chill t1_iu0r64t wrote
I love seeing Devlin get pulled down with him.
The_Poop_Shooter t1_iu0vvqs wrote
Republicans all sound like they use the same copy-pasta. The sheep mentality of their demographic is amazing. It’s like they’re all clones of the same shitty human archetype. Take the least desirable qualities of a humanity, squish them into a big turd, and you’re left with a republican. You make me sick.
GoPikachuGo1 t1_iu1342j wrote
It's a tough decision this go around. I am with Bob and Laura though, but only by a slim margin.
Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_iu15fx4 wrote
Can I ask…. Why?
gyst_ t1_iu16ven wrote
Children receiving proper medical care? Oh no! The horror...
Not that I actually suspect any mandates being made in the near future regardless.
flatdanny t1_iu1ax1s wrote
Do you wear depends for all the times you piss your pants?
Hollowpoint1240 t1_iu1ff72 wrote
LOL love your creativity
Numerous-Staff1492 t1_iu1gysr wrote
Ct needs change, why do we keep voting for the same shit? Everything has progressively gotten worse including several NEW taxes and property taxes that I can barely afford for my parents house anymore. BuT hEs A rEpUbLiCaN
SaviourMK2 t1_iu1j723 wrote
Then get a candidate who isn't swimming in Saudi blood money and not Trump endorsed.
caring_impaired t1_iu432aq wrote
it may well be “time for a change”, but this creep is not it.
lokitdwn OP t1_itxhacn wrote
It's time for bob to go