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AdHistorical7107 OP t1_itzyrod wrote

On the contrary. I think after the second time this should have been handled swiftly. Stop allowing perps to continually violate protective orders....


Knineteen t1_itzz3lo wrote

I don’t think you answered either of my questions.

You can’t chastise someone for making it political while simultaneously providing absolutely no evidence of your own that it ISN’T political.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu026mg wrote

Look up the court records. I don't know who sets bail. All I know is this dude has continously violates a protective order, allegedly assaulted the victim, and who knows what else, and is still released. It's wrong.

And I got some ass clown saying "vote red" or "it's democrats faults" without providing one shred of evidence.

I'm not making this political. I'm making this right v wrong.


Ctoffroad t1_iu09uob wrote

It's happening all over right now with progressive prosecutors and judges!! This isn't some isolated incident!! Look in California, Chicago, NYC at the laws that are all getting made procriminal right now. Hell a cop can no longer chase a criminal in Chicago because of some progressive ideas about being unfair or some other progressive view point! I can give a million other new procriminal laws that all come from progressive law makers. Again do just a little research about what is happening right now. Everything is anti cop full on pro criminal right now.

Trust me it isn't some redneck conservative republican that is making these laws!! Again I know this goes against people's idealistic views that want to see things in a different light but if you wanna see things in color need to face reality.


Knineteen t1_iu0ifcq wrote

Enough double talk already. Malloy’s criminal justice reform made it possible for juvenile’s to steal multiple cars in a single night while getting arrested in between each theft.

PS - Malloy was voted into office.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu0iyum wrote

Great. Wonderful. I don't care. Lamont signed Jennifers law. WTF is your point?

You think this guy still deserves to walk. I ask, why? If you had a protective order against you, would you continue to violate it after your first arrest? Would you continue sending harassing messages to the person who doesn't want you to contact them? Would you?