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wfd363 t1_iu0e38n wrote

You opened the floor to discussion. Deal with the consequences by the other commenters


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu0eis7 wrote

Yes discussion on domestic abuse, and what sort of consequences there are for it. If a commenter is going to hijack to push crap on social inequality and systemic racism, I will push back. It is irrelevant to this case, and I wont entertain that nonsense here. They can start another thread if they choose.

You can take a seat too...


wfd363 t1_iu0f2g5 wrote

“You can take a seat too” welcome to the internet kiddo… learn to deal with opinions you don’t like or remove yourself for your own mental health. Trust me… it really isn’t a great place to be if you’re not mentally right.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu0fnm2 wrote

I just did deal with the opinion. I said sit down. Now sit down. Let the adults handle this. Dont like it, scroll on.... I am sure there are other posts you can attempt to hijack with the systemic racism bullshit that may make more sense (like the dropping test scores in CT schools)....



wfd363 t1_iu0l00d wrote

I have said nothing racist so do not mistake me as such… if you care to be correct all I said was “ deal with other peoples opinions” without being a massive dickhead like you currently are to me… so my peace has been said. I’m done here lmao