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MonicaRising t1_iuf2l47 wrote

No people still throw them out their window and litter the bank all along the side of my property. Obviously drunk people on their way home trying to hide the evidence by chucking it out the window. It's been going on the entire 27 years I've lived here. It's a blight


Amity83 t1_iufc9bc wrote

The worst part is the liquor stores refrigerating them. It’s obvious that is for immediate consumption.


B6304T4 t1_iufu89x wrote

Not sure what's wrong with immediate consumption. It's really a nice convenience to be able to buy nips on the way to a party, concert, etc and have them cold on arrival. Refrigerated fifths probably gives the wrong message but I'll have to disagree with you on the nips.


Amity83 t1_iug8m7w wrote

They are so small they don’t stay cold for long. I worked for a few years next to a liquor store. The alcoholics all drink the nips in the morning and toss them out the window. Our customers and employees knew not to park on that side of the lot because of the drunks backing into them.


B6304T4 t1_iuhviar wrote

If we're going somewhere and need to make a stop, if I'm riding passenger, I'm starting immediately once I'm back in the car. But I've never had an issue with nips getting cold, I usually buy refrigerated sleeves so might be why... More concentrated thermal mass.


WhittlingDan t1_iufizt5 wrote

If local can collectors haven't started picking up nip bottles I'd be surprised.


-GrapeApe- t1_iufngwx wrote

It's a tax not a deposit.


B6304T4 t1_iufueiy wrote

If it's a tax and not a deposit then the intent isn't to prevent litter and promote recycling, its to make money.


TreeEleben t1_iug2jnf wrote

It was intended that the money raised would fund roadside cleanups. Doesn't seem like that's the reality.


Nyrfan2017 t1_iuhsprk wrote

They really need to make a it a deposit than people would be picking them up. Plus tax them


choite t1_iuidti6 wrote

Fuck that. Im Sick of doing unpaid recycling as part of my job. Ppl bringg in the fucking most disgusting smelling bags of beer mixed with all type of seltzer bullshit. Its gross. Our state law requires all vodka soda to be shipped covered in plastic wrap. I rip up fkn 100 plastic wraps a week and toss them. The state should either promote recycling or not. But they should make thier fucking mind up. Thousands of plastic coverings being mandoatory is not in any form compatible with charging people a recycling tax/deposit.


GutsNGuns t1_iuj5lqf wrote

Typical nutmeg logic, there is none. If the politicians thought with their heads instead of pockets then they would of made it a deposit. The greed of CT politicians both sides are corrupt 🙄


B6304T4 t1_iuhv6vm wrote

Lmao. And people believed it. I bet every penny of that money goes into the general fund. And besides, how did people really expect the states accountants to figure out how to get state tax dollars from the coffers into the town budgets (its the towns who actually cleans the roads) without any significant amount of political reach arounds.


GeigerCounterMinis t1_iuih1aw wrote

Gotta say, is there an upper limit CT residents have on getting taxed for shit that never happens?

Cause we seem to vote for every new tax that claims to be for infrastructure and I've yet to see any positive change in this state in my 30 years of life.

Personal rant: Enfield can screw itself in particular, they're currently demolishing the only youth center near by to build a assisted living community. They charge outrageous property tax on your car just yo give you some of the most shit roads I've ever driven in the whole nation. You can bet the town hall and green look great for tourism pictures though.


Badfiish t1_iuhh36d wrote

that's silly. if they had a 5c return you'd see a lot less of them


ctusa73 t1_iugtrny wrote

That's what I don't like cans should go up to 20 cents and nips a dime. When they started the deposit program a nickel went pretty far. A nip tax higher and other higher deposits would increase state revenue ,reduce litter and aid the poorest


gewehr44 t1_iuhlrjr wrote

Recycling is already mandatory. It's now just another tax on consumption.


Jawaka99 t1_iuhpfx2 wrote

While possibly true the reason that I've bought them is because there's flavors available in nips size that for whatever reason they don't make available in any other sizes.


rnmba t1_iuhp4wx wrote

The guy in my neighborhood who does this drinks fireball.


jayorm2000 t1_iuj6lh6 wrote

but now. People are throwing you nickels. You have back yard revenue.