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Pruedrive t1_iqwasbi wrote

Please read the article before commenting anymore.


overseer3 t1_iqwbahm wrote

I don't have time. I'll tell you what, when they release the video and or describe what exactly was stated I'll read that. This is just click bait for the sake of ad revenue. Also you are only getting one side of a story, it takes 2 to tango.


Pruedrive t1_iqwela9 wrote

So you'll take the two seconds it takes to throw out some mingy, not grounded in reality, comment.. and not just read the fucking article to maybe challenge your personal beliefs on this.. ok.


overseer3 t1_iqwgzab wrote

All this could be avoided, by you know? Releasing the video... I already said in my first comment I will take their word for it, it's literally all we have to go off of.


Pruedrive t1_iqwh5fh wrote

Once again.. take the two seconds it takes to read the article.


overseer3 t1_iqwhom8 wrote

I'm not here to read news articles, what gave you that impression? I am simply engaging in a forum about a local event, in which I would simply like to see the evidence that already exists. It's caught on video if you didn't know.


Pruedrive t1_iqwi719 wrote

You are throwing out ill informed opinions, that muddy and taint the narrative. All of this could be avoided if you just read the article.. but you do you boo.


bentdaisy t1_iqwwbtb wrote

Not worth the argument with the a0 troll or b) purposeful stupidity.


overseer3 t1_iqwimho wrote

Eventually we will all have access to the evidence, who knows maybe the video even captured audio. I know its 2022, what crazy possibilities.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iqyt1mp wrote

You'd watch the video but can't read a 500 word article? Well hey some people have development problems. Maybe practice reading more.