Submitted by t3_xx381q in Connecticut

My company was able to secure unanimous zoning approval for a Micro-cultivator in a large CT city. They have decided not to pursue licensing with DCP but in stead, sell or rent the rights to the approved location. What would you think that is worth?



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t1_ira32gl wrote

a slap in the mouth? if all your company is gonna do is 'flip' the rights then why don't you fuck off back to shit mountain? greedy, do-nothing, opportunistic shitbags like your company are exactly what is wrong with the cannabis industry. not really surprising, but awfully disappointing.


OP t1_iraa39f wrote

Obviously you've never created or operated anything in your career. Approved zoning pads sites are leased every day. Get a clue. 🤣 And actually, one of my agents received a 25yr offer to the rights for $1.5M so thanks for playing along.


t1_irahnfx wrote

no shit sites are leased. it's just a scumbag move to apply for such a niche permit when your only intention is to tax the next person who will be doing all the work. sweet flex though. how's your 2010 - 2015 infinity running?


t1_iratzqj wrote

>sites are leased. it's just a scumbag move to apply for such a niche permit when your only intention is to tax the next person who will be doing all the work. sweet flex though. how's your 2010 - 2015 infinity running?

Your a scumbag, What you are doing generates nothing, it has NO WORTH. You are essentially worthless human capital. YOU are the exact thing we dont want in the industry.