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RoboticGreg t1_itu98bs wrote

There is zero evidence this is happening at all


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_itu9i4e wrote

I'm not sure how you can say that. It's already coming in first place in art competitions.


RoboticGreg t1_itub796 wrote

Competition is not destruction. Dalle is a tool that requires weilding. CNC machines did not destroy sculpting or woodworking, they created and added another category.

Also, it doesn't matter. Art is expression. Art is contextual. You saying the exact same thing as me is a different expression because you said it. It might make it harder to commercialize Art, but technology has always done this.


Pristine_Coconut1688 t1_ituue3z wrote

This guy has manufactured a world where art is now dead, he's not living in reality.


[deleted] t1_ituuowl wrote



RoboticGreg t1_itv9xkc wrote

Yeah, well the horse manure removal industry took a major hit when cars took over, then cabs took a major hit when Uber moved in. Markets change, entire professions go in and out of existence, and for people that REALLY want to do something where tech has built a better mousetrap, they can do that too, their customer base just shifts from necessity buyers to buyers who purchase hand made things because it's important to them.

Commercial illustration has had the corners nibbled away from it for over a century and never been eliminated. Standardized fonts, Commercial typesetting, lots of things have morphed, reduced and reinvented the creative fields in Commercial, but it's never been eliminated.


[deleted] t1_itvf9qw wrote



RoboticGreg t1_itvh3vk wrote

no, thats not true at all. try re-reading, maybe out loud to yourself, if that will help clear things up. Art is not dead, we should care and protect it. Monetization of art is a completely different story. it sounds like YOU are actually saying art isn't important unless its monetized.