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brain-gardener t1_iy4c4xn wrote

> Gov. Lamont says UI and Eversource customers could start receiving a McDonald's meal-worth of credit on energy bills beginning next year.

Why thank you for tomorrow's lunch!


DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_iy4jq5n wrote

McDonald’s meals cost like 15 bucks now lol


Darondo t1_iy53mm2 wrote

2 bacon McDoubles for $4. Still hungry? Get 2 chicken sandwiches for $4.

Skip the soda and fries. That’s where the profit margin is.


DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_iy55i5y wrote

I usually get a filet o fish and fries, and that’s super pricey. Damn my taste for the finer things lol


TheAnt06 t1_iy4n3b0 wrote

Breaking: McDonalds, in Connecticut, triples their rates to account for the Eversource "credit"


Enginerdad t1_iy51vjp wrote

Most value meals at McDonalds cost more than $10 at this point