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GaryBlueberry34 t1_ix8pyw4 wrote

I checked a quote and it seems the rate is higher than I pay now. Any idea what the delivery fee is like?


blindmike95 OP t1_ix8q774 wrote

You may have signed up with a lower rate previously. This is only for the supplier fee.


Cat_Dad13 t1_ix8qnaa wrote

Higher than now. Eversource is planning to raise rates on January 1st by 100% though.


GaryBlueberry34 t1_ix8qxwj wrote

I thought it was 50% and was on the delivery fee?


Cat_Dad13 t1_ix90bx7 wrote

It’s the supplier rate. Current rate is ~$0.12. Proposed rate is ~$0.24. 50% increase would be ~$0.18.