Submitted by t3_z2d30n in Connecticut

5 shops are set to open on 12/1 in RI. Best estimate I've found for CT have been pushed out from summer of this year to 'early next year' instead. It does not inspire much confidence in the state government they managed to fuck this up so bad compared to neighboring states.



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t1_ixh6vta wrote

Shame they didn't let the Reservations open up shop like NY has.

Should be able to pick up from the Mohegan by now.


t1_ixiz7ho wrote

Foxwoods I know for sure was prepping a huge retail as part of their expansion. Dunno what happened with that, might still be caught up in the lack of grow space. They certainly were operating as if they wouldn't be required to go through the lottery.

I know there's a decent sized equity grow facility going in to Norwich, whos chamber of commerce wants to be a weed industrial center.


t1_ixhiizi wrote

So honestly you guys realize that all my friends that were growing weed illegally when I was a kid are the same ones supplying the Rhode Island market right now. They allowed private growers to sell to dispensaries. Which would’ve been a great idea to actually help the people of Connecticut but whatever. My point is why don’t you guys just get it from the black market? It’s easier it’s cheaper and it’s the same exact product just not as old.


t1_ixi0fpw wrote

Have you ever experienced the reliability of a supplier on the black market? Scheduling a transaction is like scheduling Comcast. Recreational dispensaries are going to be wayyy overpriced but I would like the freedom to walk into one in CT and just pick up what I want once in a while.


t1_ixjlitg wrote

Been experiencing it for years and have never had an issue. Open 24/7. My friends and I gift eachother so much we never run out. Seems like you need a different source.


t1_ixi6ba3 wrote

Source? Rhode Island, like most states, uses seed to sale tracking. Maybe those dealers were hired by legit growers, but I don't think it would be legal to sell black market grown weed at recreational dispos.

I've heard the medical marijuana centers will be the first to supply rec customers.


t1_ixirq36 wrote

sure Dicksmcgee has all the lowdown, hes talking out of his ass, youre correct (I grow for state of CT) med shops will open their doors to rec customers june 1st 2023, like they said from the start nothing has changed, we have like 4-5 licensed growers for the state right now and it will remain this way for prob at least 2 more years


t1_iy1zkot wrote

That's garbage though. We legalized in what, 2020? 2021? 2 whole years to implement full legalization but in-between then users are caught in this weird fucking legal purgatory, where it's legal to have but there's nowhere to buy and underground markets still get raided by cops.

For what it's worth I'm mostly venting my frustrations with the legislative process. But there just doesn't seem to be a good reason why they haven't opened normal rec dispensaries yet, as a guy who works in construction they could have thrown a dispo up in a few months. Grow/dispo in roughly the same time, plus a month or two. But perhaps you could provide some insight to me as to why they've dragged their feet getting dispensaries open? I know a lot of towns have sticks up their collective asses about having dispos but it just doesn't make sense to me that we're looking at such a painfully long timeline to get the weed we were supposedly allowed to have access to 2 years ago


t1_ixipavl wrote

My source is knowing the people who actually have done this. They were black market growers for decades. When Rhode Island legalized the market they used all the money they had made to become the people supplying the dispensaries. You don’t have to believe anything I say but that is what happened


t1_ixj0i0n wrote

So they became legit? That makes sense. Sounded like you were implying that black market stuff was being sold legally


t1_ixj3ntm wrote

No we’re black market now legit. Edit : were/was


t1_ixjitvv wrote

can you elaborate because this is nonsense


t1_ixjj32e wrote

So you not understanding clear writing is nonsense? Care to be more specific or is that your game?


t1_ixjjg64 wrote

i also work in CT and get most of this information and my guy youre speaking gibber jabber as far as our laws. pipe down you clearly have been mislead


t1_ixjp6ef wrote

so you know some has been washed up drug dealers in another state ? valid argument i suppose


t1_ixjpj7k wrote

Washed up drug dealers lol. They’re millionaires now but ok. You know best.


t1_ixjih31 wrote

Boomer info detected


t1_ixjj7wh wrote

You bored? I’m 38 lol.


t1_ixjm6az wrote

you just mislead 13 people who upvoted you thats the problem.


t1_ixjmv9o wrote

Honestly it’s people like you who are the problem here. Have fun always thinking you’re just the smartest person in the room, just gods gift to life here


t1_ixhafsw wrote

The estimate for CT was always early 2023. Anyone saying otherwise didn't read the bill.


t1_ixhqxih wrote

Connecticut is just barely getting recreational weed shops open while some areas of the country have already legalized recreational psychedelics like psylocibin and DMT.

The state is so unbearably slow with everything.

Maybe at some point in the future we can get someone who isn't a fucking retirement age boomer to lead the state.

I think Lamont is doing a fine job and helping to right the ship that was very off course but I am so tired of exclusively old men leading the show.

Let's get some young blood in there and more progressive thinkers who can push this stuff faster than other states. It has a significant effect on our state's profitability.


t1_ixi6jgu wrote

>Connecticut is just barely getting recreational weed shops open while some areas of the country have already legalized recreational psychedelics like psylocibin and DMT.

Small correction: no states have fully legalized shrooms or DMT yet. 2 states I believe have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of shrooms, but not legal yet.


t1_ixibf19 wrote

I thought Oregon did.

I know Colorado is decrim for sure. But decrim is always the initial step, then recreational follows. Because you know, tax revenue 🙂


t1_ixjt1xu wrote

oregon is legal either way the sale and trade is hardly regulated and is a-kin to getting a free 8th with your purchase of a 45$ tshirt


t1_ixj9zu9 wrote

You need to be wealthy and well connected to get into politics at the state level. Young people simply lack the connections that elderly people have made through the years.


t1_ixkik08 wrote

That's the problem. That's the way the system currently is setup but it doesn't work for the people. Well, it works. But barely and people are starting to see that there are some very serious flaws in our state, our country and the government's that run each.


t1_ixgyvdq wrote

Didn’t they legalize right around the same time we did? So they’re “beating us” by a few months.

Big whoop. Drive <60 mins in any direction and buy legal weed.

There are far more pressing things for state government to worry about than than getting everyone marijuana. It’s not like there’s nothing else going on in the world keeping them busy?


t1_ixgz8iw wrote

Except you’re missing the whole point that CT money is effectively driving itself to other states


t1_ixh7evn wrote

exactly, at least dealers spend locally, all my money is going straight out of state right now


t1_ixha3mh wrote

Go sit in ANY mass dispensary for 10 min and make two columns on a piece of paper. One is CT plates and the other is MA. Tell me which column fills up first lol


t1_ixh70ai wrote

It's funny how much CT residents pay to offset their carbon footprints through fee's / etc. and then it's like yeah, just go drive 2 hours at 80mph like everyone else.

Multiply that by a couple hundred thousands trips and there's a lot of little johnny boy's that will have respiratory issues thanks to everyone driving to MA for pickups.


t1_ixira6i wrote

Just get a card, they have been saying june 1st 2023 since day one, idk why im seeing these posts all of the sudden this is not new information


t1_ixk4i3w wrote

Guess it’s a good thing I’m on the RI border


t1_ixkpweg wrote

I just want to buy fuckin clones and grow my own shit sheesh


t1_ixftt28 wrote



t1_ixgboef wrote

As opposed to all the legalized/decriminalized weed we got under our last Republican governor? The one that went to jail?


That one?


t1_ixgz6ml wrote

Why don’t you focus on the here and now instead of the whataboutism


t1_ixh2s4y wrote

The guy above literally “whatabout’d” Lamont, not even understanding that this rec weed situation isn’t the purview of the Governor anyway.

Both left and right people are being idiots here… and CT tax rev that could help everyone here is going on a drive right into MA/NY/RI pockets lol


t1_ixh45yi wrote

That's not whataboutism.

That's realizing that you made the right choice last election. Republicans want weed illegal and the state budget in flames.

Stop sucking the MAGA pipe and come up with a real governing strategy other than cut it all to the bone.


t1_ixhdtuk wrote

I mean every politician wanted weed illegal until recebt election cycles. I don't recall Malloy fighting for legalization, because even as recently as a decade ago, it wasn't politically beneficial to anyone


t1_ixhf3or wrote

And you’re still on the “MAGA” thing. Stop sucking the left wing extremism’s sack.


t1_ixjmh0v wrote

The MAGA thing just announced it was running again


t1_ixkcjmy wrote

And he won’t make it out of the primaries you tool bags can only use him as an excuse for everything for so long before it’s ridiculous


t1_ixgzb2a wrote

We are never trailblazers. We wait for everyone around us to make it happen and then we come to the party late lol


t1_ixh5n6f wrote

We’re the land of steady habits for a reason.


t1_ixh9fgw wrote

I get it, both have their pro/cons. I’d just like a bit more balance between the two. Had CT jumped in front of MA with medicinal and rec we would be setup nice both in terms of cash and establishment.


t1_ixhaph8 wrote

Mass was first because it's a more liberal state.

Edit: ouch someone doesn't like facts.


t1_ixhv8jn wrote

Oh you got me there 🤣🤡

MA is definitely a more liberal state but I don’t think that’s what contributed to them trailblazing marijuana in the region


t1_ixhx1zq wrote

I was there. It did.

In MA when the legislatures got the idea, pretty much every legislator in the majority party was pretty much on board right away. Obviously the war on drugs was a failure and obviously continuing to put people in criminal jeopardy for cannabis was unsustainable and racially discriminatory as applied.

In CT, it took many more years of pressure and campaigning from the left. Senior members of the majority party wanted to study the issue and even came out against it.


t1_ixft5my wrote

Good, I had to go to the hospital for 4 days once after taking edibles.


t1_ixfxrk3 wrote

I mean people have bad reactions to food and drink all the time. Being a common allergen doesn't stop peanuts from being sold in stores.

Alcohol and cigarettes are literal poisons and have entire stores dedicated to them.

Just let people have their weed.


t1_ixgvpys wrote

Antibiotics will land me in the hospital—doesn’t mean I hate them! People need them!

People need their weed also.

4 days for weed sounds a bit extreme.


t1_ixhfa6f wrote

Not that many people “need their weed” bro let’s be honest it’s purely recreation.


t1_ixje97a wrote

I couldn’t disagree more.

So you believe everyone who has a medical license from a medical doctor to buy medical grade weed is doing it for recreational purposes? 🤷‍♀️