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t1_ix06voe wrote

DeSantis is not running.

I'm not a cult follower, or think it's a one person show.

Just a Constitutional conservative looking to turn things around.

Florida looks good. Will I miss the New England weather? Yes in a way.


t1_ix0b8x6 wrote

>I'm not a cult follower, or think it's a one person show.

You fooled me by calling yourself Patriot and denying climate change clearly


t1_ix0muww wrote

You are correct ...there is no climate change. It's a Marxist idea that this is prevalent.

In the 60's it was oil will be depleted.

In the 70's, another ice age in 10 years.

In the 80's acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.

In the 90's the ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years.

2000's, ice caps would be gone in 10 years.

None of these happened. Just more regulation and taxation.

Besides, why would the Obama's buy a house on the waterfront in Martha's Vineyard?

You need to watch a video of George Carlin on climate. Then you'll laugh that he has a point ....


t1_ix0pg0o wrote

60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s has what to do with 2022?

Also George Carlin is dead

You wrote all that and made no point?


t1_ix0sxj8 wrote


It all has to do with those who scream "climate change" or "global warming/cooling" etc.

All points made by climate change Marxists.

Yes, George is dead....but there are things called digital video of his shows


George Carlin Save The Planet


t1_ix0tfv0 wrote

I know who George Carlin is and he died in 2008, I fail to see how you think you are making a point?

You even linked George Carlin content from 2007 like that was to further prove your no point?

You are a smooth brain Patriot