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Spooky2000 t1_ixhgs1n wrote

>I'm not sure what their gender has to do with us defending ourselves. They attacked a queer space.

If what he says is true, it was a queer person shooting other queer people. How the fuck do you blame conservatives and FOX news for that?


ovrhere_ t1_ixhkcjv wrote

Oh i see, you're arguing with op, this has nothing to do with me.


Spooky2000 t1_ixhwm5e wrote

You literally said the consistent condemnation from the right is killing the LGBT community. How does what you said have nothing to do with this persons gender? Somehow an LGBT person shoots up other LGBT persons and it is still the fault of FOX news and conservative rhetoric


ovrhere_ t1_ixihomy wrote

I literally did not, please reread the comment. But since you brought it up, the people i mentioned are all scare mongering about grooming to incite gay panic. I didn't specifically call them out for being on the right but point to someone on the left making the same claims and my accusations can be leveled at them just as well.