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Ftheyankeei t1_ixigd2c wrote

Gonna just point out the dichotomy of recent events here.

A man breaks into Nancy Pelosi's house with the intent of assassinating her; beats her husband nearly to death with a hammer; tells police he did so because he believed right-wing political theory; right wing media makes up a story where the assaulter was a gay man in a tryst with Paul Pelosi, despite official police reports telling a completely different story that is damning to right-wing ideals.

A man whose neighbors reported he frequently used homophobic slurs and who threatened to kill his mother in a bomb threat in 2021 that led to a police standoff, whose family then pays lawyers to bury the charges, goes to a gay bar a year later, kills 5, injures 25; His defense lawyers tell the police and leak to the media the shooter claims he is non-binary (most likely a defense strategy to avoid hate crime charges in addition to murder charges, and with no further proof to back it up, given that the night of the shooting, his loving mother referred to him as her son and used he/him pronouns to identify him) and the right wing immediately parrots the narrative because it allows them to downplay a mass shooting against the LGBTQ+ community.

It is obvious that facts do not matter to Republicans any more as long as they bray loudly enough to shout down opposing narratives. After a year of increasingly heated anti-LGBTQ rhetoric coming from the right wing, making blanket accusations up to and including that all queer people are pedophiles, that has led to murders in places like Portland, Oregon (where an alt-right furry, of all people, killed four people), and has led to at least three bomb threats against children's hospitals (and counting), once a mass shooting happens at a gay bar in a region known for heated anti-gay rhetoric including from elected officials, they pivot to, what else?, blaming the LGBTQ community for its own murder.

Don't bother responding to this, I already know you're either going to try to focus on one point I made that wasn't completely airtight or you're going to spin/whatabout this bullshit.