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Ok-Collection-7253 t1_j26kkqg wrote

This is what you’ve deemed the problem with CT.. Siding. Out of everything else wrong in the world, you needed to drop everything, (even your hatred for vinyl) in order to type this.. Siding is why we can’t have an athletically pleasing state. I would like to live in your world.

Hey, did you know that some people can’t even afford to eat, or cloth themselves? They live outside! On the street corners! I bet the state would look a lot better if they just exterminated those unsightly piles of human garbage!

My house has vinyl siding. I think I’ll add another layer of it just to ruin your day. Mandate building materials. Jesus fucking Christ


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 OP t1_j26l10d wrote

Aesthetics is important. It makes places appealing and inviting and elevates the mood of inhabitants. The world is already a dark nasty and horrific place and always will be, what is the point of even existing if we can't at least make things look nice?
