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Zootallurs t1_j0q9vy5 wrote

“For all intents and purchases…”? For the love of science, does anyone employ copy editors anymore?

Also, if this guy is just beating the sports bets/casinos at their own game, he should fight this to the Supreme Court. The idea that those businesses get to bring down the state on a person for figuring out how to improve their odds is offensive to the very idea of a free society. Those businesses, like every business, takes a risk that some one will be better at it. You don’t get to ban the competition just because you start loosing.


ovrhere_ t1_j0r1qwf wrote

Kinda like when stock trading apps halted gamestop transactions because independent traders were causing losses for hedge funds.


Zootallurs t1_j0u4mqq wrote

Kinda. Of course, trading apps aren’t the government…


lbigz OP t1_j0qrk2c wrote

It is in quotes though so maybe the Yale student wrote it like this in a email to the publication, lol


hawt_pawket t1_j0rsdp1 wrote

That was my interpretation but if that’s the case they should have added [sic], otherwise it just looks like a typo on the publication’s part.


Hopeful-Anywhere5054 t1_j0ryi5a wrote

Sportsbooks limit and ban people all the time. It’s their right and they put it in the terms and conditions. It sucks but that’s how it is.


TreeEleben t1_j0ropxe wrote

Kind of like how casinos ban you for life if you win too often. When gambling, the house always wins, and if they lose, they'll just change the rules to stop you.


BobLI t1_j0t7kez wrote

What is preventing the Yale student from having friends or relatives bet on his/her behalf? Spread the betting over a period of time?