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EvidentlyEmpirical t1_j1lijj3 wrote

The crap that has happened has been worldwide.

I guess it's too much to expect a conservative to understand that world events affect the US, too.


Invest-24_7_356 t1_j1mn2kl wrote

When most of the world uses the same money it will be.

Not that difficult to figure out.


EvidentlyEmpirical t1_j1mrnt9 wrote

Do yourself a HUGE favor and look at inflation around the world. Look at gas prices on the global markets. This isn't a US only problem - we don't have to be using a universal currency for global scarcity to affect us. Every nation has suffered from supply chain issues in the wake of Covid, and every nation has suffered from high gas prices as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine (because gas is sold on a global market).

Yeah, not that difficult to figure out, if you're not myopic and actually know something about economics.

Honestly it would take an utter buffoon to not see this - you'd have to be willfully blind or completely incapable of basic causality.