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t1_j0r5qtt wrote

"you have to put it there or.." -- This is dead wrong, and exactly the problem. look back a couple days at the stories from local news. It was 'turned on' for my account as well without ever interacting with eversource besides paying my bill. They based it on "marketing data" which smells like a load of 💩


t1_j0r954m wrote

As a former Eversource employee that dealt with customer accounts, it’s not “dead wrong”. If it became the default, the reps would know about it. That block would be right next to your name on the account. The rep wouldn’t miss it. It would also be communicated to customer service as it would undoubtedly become a major call driver.

There are blocks on supplier switches for certain accounts like hardship accounts, past due balances etc. That’s been in place long before this year and rate increase. What you’re referring to is Eversource changing that enrollment policy. Normally, you would have to apply. Instead, Eversource is trying to automatically enroll at risk accounts using “marketing data .” They found that they enrolled some customers erroneously. Those customers would blocked from the switch.

It is not the default to have a block from switching suppliers on your account. It is not advantageous for Eversource to block a supplier switch. They don’t profit off of your supply portion of the bill. They don’t care if you pick another supplier.


t1_j0rtobw wrote

You said "you have to put it there or request it’s done on your behalf"... Which is 100% wrong. As I experienced first hand (never late, good credit, good neighborhood). Aka dead wrong. They declined to tell me exactly what "marketing data" motivated that decision on my behalf. I think your assumptions about innocent 'ol eversource just gee golly shucks making a mistake is beyond naive. There are any number of ways to prevent unauthorized supplier switch without the customers consent, that don't involve preventing them from switching suppliers. Also "they don't care if you switch suppliers" ...not sure you understand how businesses work. Cuz in all their "bend over and lube up" emails I don't see any mention of saving money by switching suppliers. Keep drinking that company koolaid.


t1_j0u8dqx wrote

Ok so you acknowledge that Eversource erroneously put people on the hardship plan block without their consent, myself included. Agreeing with the only point of the person you’re arguing with.

And it was a huge pain in the ass. It took many hours and 3 calls to Eversource before anyone would tell me what was blocking me from switching suppliers.

And it isn’t as easy to remove as unchecking a box on your account. You have to print out a pdf, fill it out, and then with scan it back to them or mail it.

You can’t convince me this isn’t intentional obstruction and I have no idea why you feel the need to defend such bullshit.