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MTGBruhs t1_j0r00iu wrote


AdHistorical7107 t1_j0r0nx0 wrote

All we got pre religion are on stick figures on the wall. Then we have sumerians writing, which was the same.

Show me proof no human conflict before religion. Or show me conflict before religion.


MTGBruhs t1_j0r2ot5 wrote


AdHistorical7107 t1_j0r3bue wrote

Says very clear the reasons are unsure.

Did someone piss off the sun God? Or the land God?

We don't know. But I'm inclined to think religion may have played a part in it.


MTGBruhs t1_j0r7myg wrote

So you don't have any evidence to back up your claims either


AdHistorical7107 t1_j0r9tt2 wrote

I stand by religion is root of all evil. However, if you can provide concrete evidence otherwise, then I'll retract. Not saying your article isn't legit. Just leaves alot to question.


MTGBruhs t1_j0r32tc wrote

Existance in the wild is a struggle for survival. Are you honestly suggesting that humans evolved to cooperate with one another 100% without any type of violence and then threw that all away one someone said there was a god/gods. That's ridiculous


AdHistorical7107 t1_j0r3nt7 wrote

How so? You haven't really provided anything otherwise.....

Think about the wars and conflict that arise because of religion. Even as recent as abortion.


MTGBruhs t1_j0r8it7 wrote

What about strictly for profit corporate sweatshops, im curious how religeon factors into that. I think you're conflating religeon with morality. In ethics, evil deeds are defined as those that are inherently selfish, while good deeds are inherently selfless, ie giving to others before taking for yourself. I ask you, are you suggesting there was no such thing as selfishness at any time in the human evolution before our brains could formulate the concept of a higher power?


AdHistorical7107 t1_j0s4blr wrote

It's religion. Evil is evil. We are discussing religion and how my belief is that religion is the root of all evil....

Prove me otherwise....


MTGBruhs t1_j0t1uyw wrote

I can't disprove your beliefs, you dont have facts either, the fuck are we talking about