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t1_j14lkjv wrote

Talk to an ER nurse or medic from Colorado. Your ears will bleed from their stories about the number of poisonings--largely pediatric-- from edibles that come through there. It will become commonplace in CT as well. --But let's not offend users by reporting these incidents . . ..


t1_j14oln0 wrote

I wonder what will be higher-the number of kids will be getting sick from edibles or dying because of guns. But lets not offend guns owners by reporting these incidents...


t1_j14ppyp wrote

Well on the one hand, guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US. On the other hand, not a single kid has ever died from THC poisoning.

So they’re probably about the same according to the average right winger.


t1_j14u3mj wrote

That's only a current trend and still very close to motor vehicle deaths which is usually and historically the leading killer of US adolescents. I'm sure covid played its roll in that trend flipping for a bit.


t1_j14vy46 wrote

Agreed, and we have taken so many extreme measures to protect our kids from car deaths, it only makes sense to greatly crack down on gun laws.

I really like your way of thinking about this. We have brought child car deaths way down with strict laws around car use, licensing, and policing; we know how well this works. If we apply these same common sense laws to guns, we could probably lower gun deaths for kids way down.

You know there isn’t a single other western country that has gun deaths in their top 5 for kids right? It’s a fucking disgrace.


t1_j14xnoc wrote

Well like I said.. I think because of covid the number may have dropped because of people not traveling as much in recent times. I don't think a change in laws, or vehicle safety is a cause for the sudden decrease. Nor do I think the recent up tick in gun related deaths is really telling us much either.. if anything we would need to look at the greater societal trends that may be driving for the recent spike in them.

While it sucks cause all deaths are a tragedy you can't compare the US to many other nations on these grounds because you are comparing two diffrent cultures and can't just blame the presence of firearms. For instance Japan has no guns and way higher amounts of suicides per capita than the US.. which here a major driving factor in gun related deaths is suicide. Or a lot of other nations have universal healthcare, and we dont.. people have a greater access to mental health services where we don't. Sure you can make comparisons, but I don't believe it's a fair way to look at it.


t1_j14yb9v wrote

I’m not making individual comparisons though. I’m saying if you make a list of the top 20 nations that are “most like the us” in terms of culture, politics, economy etc, NONE of them have this issue.

Yes, it doesn’t make sense to compare apples to oranges. But when ALL of them are different? Come on.

Vehicle deaths are down because people are traveling less, like you said. Gun deaths are up because people got meaner during Covid: we have tons of data to show how much domestic violence went up. Additionally, we have a lot of Americans in desperate financial straits right now. We know that poverty is a leading force in driving crime, so that sadly also makes sense.


t1_j1505f5 wrote

I'm gonna venture to say gun deaths will probably go down the further away from the covid years we get. That shit put a major strain on our population.


t1_j14wqfu wrote

>guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US

Kids, to the age of 19... Why do you think they include "children" to the age of 19 in this? Because for kids under 15 this is not the case at all. Cancer kills 3 times as many.


t1_j14x2c9 wrote

You caught em! Those little 15 years olds deserve what they get!

And I’d rather have cancer 100% deadlier than guns for my toddlers thx. I can see why they might get unlucky and get cancer, but I don’t see why any fuckhat needs to be shooting a gun anywhere near them.


t1_j14wj1h wrote

This kid died of THC toxicity

Mother charged as she should have been. Same as parents who’s kids access any dangerous substance or object.


t1_j14xnf3 wrote

Newsweek? Lololol. And even in this shitrag they aren’t sure the actual cause of death. The mom withheld care and the kid didn’t receive proper medical treatment for days. AND the kid had heart issues.

So, congrats on finding literally 1 kid in a rag paper that maybe died from cannabis. That really proves they are as dangerous as the leading cause of death, guns.


t1_j15a7u8 wrote

Parental neglect was the issue I was highlighting. Doesn’t matter what the substance or object (scary boom sticks!)

Go back to smelling your own farts, brave warrior ❄️


t1_j14tlyc wrote

We litrally have gun storage laws in CT around minors sooooooo... maybe we should have similar laws for drugs?


t1_j154slg wrote

Alcohol especially. Alcohol kills close to 150,000 Americans a year. With all the new candy flavors of alcohol that are aimed at kids, there should be laws requiring alcohol to be locked in a secure container if children are in the home.

But nobody wants to admit just how dangerous and deadly alcohol is, and will continue to ignore the epidemic of alcoholism and drunk driving.


t1_j14ueqv wrote


Second-I think that is a great idea. Let me know what you worked up and I'd be happy to join you in getting it passed.


t1_j14wlpo wrote

Well I'm a gun owner..

Don't be that person and assume how we think. Honestly the answer with me is more nuanced than that. It is indeed an infringement, no where in the 2A says, hey you have the right to bear arms, and defend yourself, as long as you have a safe to store your shit. Like wise it puts another unnecessary financial burden on people to practice an unalienable right, which will only disenfranchise and lead to more legal problems for folks on the lower end of the social economic spectrum, who let's face it are the folks who probably would need a gun more than anyone else in society.

THAT SAID.. while I wish we could leave this in the hands of the individual, and say you have been trusted with not only the ability to own arms but to maintain and secure them. Not everyone is rational, or safe and responsibe.. so in this case a storage law makes some sense. I really wish the state/government would incentives gun owners to purchase safes, or other means to secure thier weapons, like a tax break program, or some type of grant program for their purchase.

For the second part they could just do what they do for guns, you have people 18 years or younger in your household then you need to lock up your shit. If you don't, and little Jonny gets into them, and blasts off into the cosmos on an adventure to the ER, then you will be charged with improper storage of a controlled substance. Easy peasy.


t1_j14xvmj wrote

Guess what I'm a gun owner too!

True, but someone has to get the ball rolling, let me know when you do.


t1_j14ycr9 wrote

I mean, I vote for folks that I assume know what the fuck they are doing, and they almost always don't have my best interests in mind when it comes to my 2A rights. As well I have several safes for ally stuff cause its the responsible thing to do.. I do this without having kids in my home.


t1_j150umk wrote

So you don't plan on getting the ball rolling, how very disappointing and surprising. Think about the children.


t1_j15103i wrote

So voting for folks and taking personal responsibility for one's self is doing nothing?


t1_j1529ln wrote

In this discussion, yes.


t1_j153ihl wrote

How so..? I don't have kids of my own, or plan to have any. As well for the most part I don't really care about others folks kids, cause that's thier problem and responsibility. Sure, I get upset if a kid gets hurt, or in this case gets high as fuck off something they shouldn't, because I'm not a fucking monster.. however end of the day, not really my problem... until someone makes it mine.


t1_j194olm wrote

If you don't care, why did you suggest the law. Remember it was you who suggested it, I'm just trying to encourage you to make it a reality. Don't make comments you don't stand behind.


t1_j1952ri wrote

Did you not ask me to make a suggestion?

>Let me know what you worked up and I'd be happy to join you in getting it passed.


t1_j19q2p1 wrote

That was after you suggested the law in the first place.


"We litrally have gun storage laws in CT around minors sooooooo... maybe we should have similar laws for drugs?"


t1_j14tdsi wrote

Poisoning is such a loaded term.. to OD on THC you would have to smoke or eat an edible like the size of a bus. If anything I would say it's more annoying cause idiots either take way more than they are ready for, and panic, causing them to think they are ODing and they call EMS, when they should just go sleep it the fuck off.. or like in this case when someones little dummy finds their edibles and mistakes them for treats. None of this should be a problem if people used their brains before punching thier tickets to Mars.


t1_j14u6w2 wrote

Theres a hell of a lot of other child poisonings every day from vitamins to essential oils, this one makes the news because its THC.


t1_j14u5d3 wrote

Ask them how many had any lasting effects or died.. you might then want to ask about alcohol related OD and pediatric ingestion… something tells me you might not be in favor of banning alcohol… and if you were it would only absolve you from being a hypocrite not a moron.