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OP t1_j1sh0iz wrote

Been to both pilgrim and bobs and experienced something very similar, the mattresses seem good, but the experience could be better… this kind of pushes me to online retailers, where I think I could get the same quality, but at cheaper price because less middle men?


t1_j1t9lik wrote

I bought one at pilgrim. After 5 years we got concave sections where we regularly slept. Tried a different brand at Pilgrim, spent big bucks on it and still my fat ass leaves a divot.

I’ve got someone sleeping in my guest room on the best mattress I ever owned. It’s stiff when you go to bed, but you awake in heaven. No divots. I can’t wake them up to strip the bed and get the name. Nag me tomorrow and I might look to see what it was.