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t1_j2e7thp wrote

right so "good school" towns in connecticut are usually going to be super white, so much so that people often say ones just a dogwhistle for the other. stereotypes, i leave the details to your research.


walking to kids activities in the suburbs of connecticut, just my gut reaction, 1000% unreasonable expectation for ct suburbs. like i'm thinking of all the sports fields, schools, libraries, farms, nature stuff. its all a drive. kids all have to drive. kids drive each other, like everyone has a car by the youngest age possible. it would have to be a city. (so, stamford, norwalk, new haven)


OP t1_j2eam9w wrote

Thanks. I think just saying it like it is is good. I mean... the lack of social life if you can't drive often :/
Better to depriortize it vs. just wasting time looking at something that won't work.
So maybe bump up New Haven, Norwalk.