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liggy1111 OP t1_j241wdx wrote

My daughters friend works for eversource and he uses Constellation.


eddie964 t1_j24d16m wrote

Eversource doesn't actually produce electricity anymore. It just procures it on your behalf and resells it to you at cost. So it doesn't make money if you use the supply they offer and doesn't lose money if you switch.


RetroIsBack t1_j281m89 wrote

You lose money if you don't switch, what were you trying to say


eddie964 t1_j291eh4 wrote

Your choice of electric supplier is neutral to Eversource: It neither stands to gain nor lose money.

There is definitely money on the table right now, but there is a reason Constellation is dangling below-market prices in front of your nose: It is banking on you switching now, then forgetting to switch back when energy markets normalize and Eversource's offering returns to earth.

So, yes, switch now. But be sure to revisit your choice regularly, especially when Eversource submits its new supply rate, effective July 1.


RetroIsBack t1_j2crqk8 wrote

The last thing in the world I care about is whether eversource makes money. They cost me more money. I could give a f*** about them


eddie964 t1_j2djlzh wrote

You are soooo not getting the point.


RetroIsBack t1_j2dogiy wrote

Its gone way past you.You sound like an Ever source Apologist. How is it like to be an Eversource butt boy?

Making anyone go through a unnecessary torturous path of switching suppliers creates damages.

First they get data from a sketchy company, and second they force the hardship label on you when that sketchy company does their sketchy work.

Then you have to call only to find out that having enough security info to tell them to shut off your power isn't enough to get the hardship removed . They have to send a form by email, then you have to buy a printer, and hope that constellation will honor what eversource blocked.

And its stupid wonder that constellation can do 16 cents, but the smartest distribution company with a giant pool of customers with no switching costs cant get the price below 24 cents.


eddie964 t1_j2dqixm wrote

Why let mere facts get in the way of your opinion?

My agenda was to encourage people to make smart decisions. If you want to switch to save money, great, but you could wind up with the shit end of the stick if you're not careful to compare rates on an ongoing basis.

However, if your motivation to switch has more to do with screwing Eversource, you are not actually screwing them (again those pesky facts), and you could still wind up holding the shit end of the stick.

I generally have a pretty high level of disdain for cowards who throw out personal insults online. If you would like to insult me to my face, DM me and we can arrange the time and place. However, I have reported your post to the mods, whom I believe uphold a higher level of discourse on this sub.